
Any business expert will tell you that better communication means fewer delays, disappointed customers, and increased productivity. That means a better bottom line and far less headaches!The inability to communicate has always been a challenge at companies, and advances in technology that allow communication...


Tai Chi is one of the oldest styles of martial arts, and one of the hardest to find these days. Just like other martial arts, such as Tiger Claw and Ninjutsu, it can be very hard to find a dojo that teaches the art. If you can find a dojo that teaches the art of Tai Chi, you really shouldn’t pass...


A few years ago, pop-up windows was the rage in Internet marketing. It seemed like every time you opened a web page you got bombarded with offers for this or that. It got to the point where surfing the Internet was almost like playing a video game, that is, for every pop-up you tried to close, one or...


The fact that nobody knows exactly how Google’s algorithm ranks web pages anf that the algorithm is constantly changing and improving (what works today might not work tomorrow)In this article, I'd like to make a quick rundown of some of the most common things that come up all this time1. Should I Build...


The first thing one can do as an internet marketer is to avoid making mistakes. Here are some of the prominent mistakes made by SEO experts: 1. Not optimizing images with rest of the contentOptimizing images is sometimes not part of the SEO strategy and can be over looked. Adding target keywords...


One of the major pluses of blogs is that they often to get good search engine posititioning because of interlinking and their content. Search Engines understand that most blogs are updated on a regular basis. Blogs have brought in a new flavor to the media relations world since bloggers are often...


We've received many emails from customers over the past several years asking how high we recommend setting AdWords' max cost per click. Generally, we recommend that our customers set the price somewhere moderately high, between the "base" rate and the max rate suggested by Google. For this...


Dearching and finding what you are looking for is easy if you are armed with the knowledge how to do it.The best way to find information is through a virtual search engine.Most search engines have advanced search options which can come in very handy if you are not skilled with operators when searching.Search...


Stress - And stress, not necessarily "bad" stress, but rather certain external and internal stressors, factor into this health equation. So let's take a look at how to handle these stressors with regards to acne prevention.  External Stressors A goal of acne prevention would be to keep your...


New and small business owners can often be the most innovative and creative marketers there are. They don’t have the huge budgets of the corporate giants; they don’t have large teams of creative designers, advertising executives, brainstorming committees, PR agencies or even a tea person! However,...


When many people consider sculptures as home decor, the thought comes to ancient Roman or Greek mythological characters like Apollo, Venus or Zeus. Others think about abstract contemporary fine art sculptures that are sometimes difficult to interpret.  Since there has been a trend in recent...


I'm sure you're all cool, interesting people, with fantastic skills, but trust me, that's not what you need to lead with on your Web site - or mailing or brochure. Does your Web site talk about your company? Yes, I know, it's your company Web site! But the last thing it should talk about is your...


1.  The sooner you hire your lawyer the better.  Begin looking for your personal injury lawyer within a week or two after your accident. If you're not physically capable you should have a friend or loved-one start looking. The sooner you start building your case the better.  2....


No, SEO isn’t “search engine manipulation” that Google will ban you for - Does Google now view search engine optimization as bad, as spam, as something you could get banned for?  Almost certainly not, but that’s the takeaway you could now get based on a legal fight between Google and a publisher...


Books are magical apparitions - Since her idea of reality was only what fell into her immediate experience she was discounting the possibility of knowing anything outside it. Yet, unless she was willing to acknowledge the possibility of something outside her immediate circle of influence, how could...

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