
These are ways Real people have used to cope with Stress

You may think some of the ideas below are pretty far out and perhaps downright Weird... But that's okay. Different strokes for different folks. So just pick a couple to start with, and see how they help you. Simply read through the list. See what "jumps out" at you. Don't try to do too many at once. (You may stress yourself out even more.) 

1. Hide a Toy in Your Pocket 

What? How will that help you say? 

It will remind you each time you stick your hand in your pocket, not to take life too seriously. 

Remember how you felt when you were a child and life was carefree? Grab on to that feeling each time your fingers touch that toy. 

2. Schedule Your Worry 

If you have stress that comes from worrying, do this: 

When you start to worry, tell yourself you're not going to worry about it now, that you've set a time to worry. Say, each day between 7 and 7:30 pm, you've scheduled as Worry Time. 

When it's 7, then sit down. Better yet ---- Pace the floor! Then WORRY! 

Really get into it! Worry BIG! Catastrophize! 

Awfulize! (I don't think that's a word, but you get the picture.) 

Worry like you've never worried before! 

You'll feel really odd doing this, but go at it. 

I know it sounds crazy, but trust me. I've recommended people do this and it helped them. 

No kidding! 

These are ways Real people have used to cope with Stress

3. Do Something Silly 

Eat Twinkies for breakfast or something. 

I know, Twinkies are junk food, but break your routine once in a while. It's good for you. 

4. Curl Your Toes 

Huh? Yes, tighten your toes for 15" as tightly as you can, then relax. Do this with all muscle groups up through your body. All the way up. Finish with wrinkling up your face. It works. 

5. Grab Your Pillow and Beat the Heck out of the Bed 

(If you've got a feather pillow, be sure to check for holes first!) 

Beating on the bed is good for releasing stress that comes from anger. 

I knew a lady who actually put a punching bag in her basement just for getting out her anger! 

She swore by it. 

6. Don't Answer the Phone/Door/Cell Phone/ Pager... 

(Say, Does anybody out there still have a pager?) 

Sometimes you don't feel like talking to anyone, right? 

Give yourself a break and don't. 

7. Nuts -- Eat Nuts! 

Good for "anger stress" to crunch on something. 

Go ahead. Take out all your aggression on the Nuts. They won't mind! 

You could eat crunchy raw veggies, but the nuts are better. 

8. Get good at Procrastinating 

Egad! Heresy? Sometimes it's the very best thing you can do for yourself. 

Ask yourself, "Will something Awful happen if I put this off til later, to cut myself some slack?" 

If you answer No, then put it off, as long as possible. 

9. Act Like a 2 Year Old 

They're Real Good at saying No, aren't they? 

You gotta take care of yourself. 

If you don't, who will? 

Say No more often to the demands others want to heap on you. 

10. Act Like an 84 Year Old 

Now wait a minute! 

You just told me to act like a 2 year old. 

Now you're saying act like an 84 year old? 

What's up with that? 

Well, here's it is. 

When you're in stressful situation, ask yourself... 

"How would my 84 year old future self handle this or say about this?" 

See what wisdom surfaces from within you. 
I sincerely hope these ideas will be helpful to you. To Your Health, 

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